Microbeads Petition


Microbeads pose a great threat to our ocean and organisms that live in it and they really aren’t necessary in today’s products (Read more on the effects of Microbeads here: Micro Plastic Article). Many USA states and other world leaders have banned microbeads (US bans soaps and other products containing microbeads), so let’s follow in their footsteps and ban these unnecessary plastics we are adding to our oceans.

Please sign the petition in the following link to get the attention of  our prime minister to take action: Microbead ban petition



Microbeads in cosmetic products (2014) [Image] At: http://static1.squarespace.com/static/5522e85be4b0b65a7c78ac96/t/554f0c8fe4b032f303e71894/1431243920291/microbeads-5-gyres (accessed on 02/03.16)



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