Is Our Obsession With Selfies Killing Our Wildlife?

Most people have been there I’m sure: the unrelenting task of finding that perfect selfie. While good lighting or a bit of make up is enough for most, some people take it to the next level. There seems to be a new phenomenon sweeping the web: taking selfies with vulnerable animals.

This baby La Plata dolphin, which are classed as vulnerable, was removed from the water before being passed around an Argentine beach so that people could take selfies instead of being put back into the water, causing it to die of dehydration. (Image: Metronews, 2016)
Cruel tourist kills a bird by dragging it from a lake for a selfie
Just days after the above incident, a Bulgarian tourist in Macedonia pulled a swan out of the water in order to take a series of pictures with it. After the encounter, the swan remained motionless on beach and later died. (Image: Mirror, 2016)
Another in the long string of cruel events was a Floridian man pulling a shark from the water in order to gain some ‘manly’ selfies. It is unclear whether the shark survived the ordeal, as it did not resurface once it was put back into the water. (Image: thedailybeast, 2016)

Other stories have also recently surfaced, such as a peacock being handled and literally scared to death by tourists in China, showing that this is not only a marine issue. The ignorant and narcissistic attitude towards animals needs to stop, as it is clear to see that it causes them a great deal of pain, and can even in some cases cause death. Is causing stress and pain to another organism worth it just for a ‘cool’ picture? The fact is, animals are not props, so shouldn’t be treated like them.

With may wild animals already facing a great deal of threats, from overfishing to habitat loss, which threaten to ruin their already fragile ecosystems, they do not need any more pressure on them. Especially when it is for a cause as vain as a selfie.

By Katie Keddie



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